Tuesday, October 23, 2007


..... is coming!!!! You won't see me here for a bit. I'll resume full posting duties after SPM is over.

Sorry Jian Yao, You'll have to wait a while for the photos... =D

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Evil people.

You Are Mexican Food

Spicy yet dependable.
You pull punches, but people still love you.

Haha. Being random.

Was playing Maple a few days back. Somebody hack looted my Pilfer! Grrr... report to Maple Admin but no response. >.< Evil guy. When I see that fella again I'm gonna call my guild and mass defame him! (hehehe...)

Friday, October 12, 2007

Maple Party Quest

I know, I know. I should be studying for SPM, but instead I end up playing maple. Ah well, I got a scroll! Xp

For those who are interested, I have a character in Aquila and one in Cassopeia. Won't type much, this keyboard stinks. (I'm using my old computer....)

Tekno Kid out.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

New Car(s)!

Woot! Take a look! Pure gold! =p

Got those two at Jusco in Sunway pyramid yesterday while celebrating Carmen's birthday. Happy birthday Carmen! =p We went bowling, and I won both frames. Hehe.

The balls which we used. I didn't know 5 people could use so many. @.@ After that, we went to eat sushi, and i tried something new, a mashed potato style sushi. (At least I think it is mashed potato. =p)

It was alright. The green stuff on top is not wasabi, if you were wondering. It's actually a green pea.

After lunch, we all just wandered around the complex. Chin Wei, Bee Shan and I went searching for Popular bookstore, but it turned out that it was still under construction. Stupid directory. XD

Then, at 3.30, we all went back.

This is my collection now:

And I still want more! @.@