Sunday, May 24, 2009


Wow, so many things to update about. Sorry for not doing so the last few days! Hmmm, so what has happened since the last time I've updated?

1) Move over world, a new killer's on the road!
Well, almost. =P I passed my driver's test a few weeks back, and have been driving around in my mum's City and dad's Kia. Still have to adjust to the cars though. =)

2) Physics project passed!
Rube Goldberg project passed and performed superbly. Curious as to how it went? Refer one post back and click on the link provided. Note: You must be logged in to facebook to be able to view it.

And today? Woke up in the morning to discover that our neighbour's one and only koi fish that was residing in our pond had mysteriously died and was found floating on the water. Cause of death was not known though. =/

My job? I tried digging a grave for it in the 'backyard' and successfully obtained two gigantic blisters on my left hand while handling the hoe. Rest in peace fishy.


Maths assignment is @$$! =P

Friday, May 15, 2009


I'm not dead yet. Just coping with assignments, projects, lab reports.

In the meantime, please do witness our pride and joy:

EDIT: Okay, slight problem with the video dimensions. Watch it here!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Momma's Day!

Happy Mother's Day Mom! I'm never good at this mushy stuff, so I'll come straight out: No matter how it may seem that I'm angry at you, no matter the times I may have snapped back at you, deep down, I want you to know that I will always love you mum. Without you, where would we be in this place called Earth?

Photo taken by Dad. ;P

Saturday, May 2, 2009

1st May bonanza

Well yeah, so yesterday was an extra holiday for us. That meant an extra long weekend for us! =D Well, the S3 Malaysia-Monash took advantage of this extra day for a sleepover at my house. We hung around Sunway Pyramid on Thursday, having dinner with another of our collegmates, Wei Hsien. Lepak till about 9pm, then Gabriel, Edward, Gene, Jia Yean, Amanda and I made our way back home.

Had one round of Squad Seven, a few rounds of poker (which I undoubtedly lost) with while some went over to the computers for a LAN game (Age of Mythology I think). Lights out at around 2am.

In case you didn't know what Squad Seven looked like, here it is. A unique game, where you depend on your sight, hearing and agility instead of standard dice rolls.

Woke up at 8.30am, found them lying round in various sleeping positions. Gabriel, who took the sofa initally, ended up sleeping on the floor because Edward took the 2-man matress for himself. Haha, Eddie was so cold he wrapped himself up with the matress to avoid the 'sandstorm'. Jia Yean was already up, and Gene was wrapped in a coccoon with the help of his blanket.

Had breakfast at Little Ben, a nearby concept restaurant. Wanted to go to the club for gym and a round of futsal. However, no such luck there as gym was reserved for members only, and they had taken down the futsal and basketball courts. :(

Returned back home to a small field where we eventually had our round of football under the hot blazing sun. Boy was I cooked like a potato! xD

In a nutshell, we had a great time, and I have lots of souvenirs (toiletries and scrunchies which were left behind. :P Gonna have to return them to their various owners on Monday!


Went to Monash today for the Mid-Sem buddy-buddee meet. Very sleepy though, but I had fun. Got to know a few seniors and freshies better, and had a game of basketball. I have not touched the ball since..... 2 years? o_0

Well, off to do my assignments, which have been piling up without me knowing. :/

PS: Camera's still missing, so apologies for the lack of pictures.