Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mid-sems over

So the mid semester exams are over, and it was kinda fun. Dynamics was a killer though. As Nicholas Lim would say: "Die-namics". Anyways, today was the final paper, physics. A bit tough, almost couldn't finish the questions.

Blerrgh. Enough about exams. :P

Went out with a few of my college/uni-mates to Sunway Pyramid today to meet up with an old friend. Ended up in Redbox. Estimated price was about RM8, but we spent RM16 on 'karaoke'ing. Have to cut costs this week.

Slight sore throat now due to belting out tunes at the tops of our voices. My voice is kinda funny, the songs are either one octave too high, or one octave too low for me to cope with at times, thus having to crack my voice to keep up.


I came up with this 'news report' while chatting with Jia Yean over msn:

In other news, a truckload of crayons were hijacked earlier this afternoon. Witnesses say that a furry little red humanoid looking creature with an orange nose is believed to be the suspect. Authorities are trying to bait said suspect into the open by playing the "Elmo's world" song, which many claim would bring the suspect scurrying out to join hands with the source and start dancing.

Be warned of the red furry creature! ;o

1 comment:

JiaYean said...

Poor furry red FRIEND. =( Accused I tell you! ACCUSED!