Saturday, July 28, 2007

Of Sprains and Cramps

Today was co-curriculum day. Seeing as it was the last co-curriculum day, I somehow decided to go. As soon as i reached school, I knew I was much better off at home studying.

As it was, I came home with a bruise on my leg. Willie throws the ball too hard. =p When I reached back home, the first thing that happened to me was my legs cramping up. Later in the evening, it cramped up again. As I recall these incidents, I cannot help but remember that the night before, my leg cramped. The same place for the three times it happened. Now I'm left with a stiff and sore left ankle. This is going to be a burden when i play basketball in future.

Ah well, enough of that. Now for some pictures!

Mustang GT


Honda Civic

Didn't anyone know I am a Hot Wheels fanatic?


Nachos with some Romano cheese. Then I put the dish in the microwave. After just a few seconds, the cheese began to fry. The whole house stank of cheese for the next few hours after the incident.

Death to CD

A pair of scissors at a high speed can penetrate CD's.

The Deathly Hallows

Finally got the book! Hedwig... ;-(

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Camp~sys! Day 3

Not really sure what time the participants woke up today, but when I woke up, they were already being briefed by Kunil on what to do today. Of course: Cleanup time.

All of us had to clean up the whole school after the camp, judging by the mess we made, it wasn't fun. The groups were assigned to various parts of the school to clean whatever mess we made there.

A bit of eggy mess from the previous night.

Participants trying to clean up the mess they made while balancing the eggs the night before.

Wei Ling chucking another eggshell into her somewhat 'full' bag. This was supposed to be for her Kerja Amal, but my camera's battery ran out. Sorry :(

Oops, supposed to take pics for Xing Zhong's Kerja Amal as well. Sorry.

After cleaning, at 11.30 a.m., the participants went back. The facilitators stayed back for a while to do a bit of catching up.

Behind the scenes facts:
~ Kunil broke 5 eggs while trying to pick up the egg cartons.
~ We had a water balloon fight in the dataran after participants left.
~ Sparkling water for everyone!
~ Ivan threw a water balloon up into the blades of a spinning fan. Naturally, it burst into a cascade of water.
~ Sonia was constantly avoiding Da Wei, but she got a cupful of water dowm her back in the end.
~ During the blinfolded eggs, when group 5 was trying to pass the bench, Jonathan cramped his legs. All he could say in a toneless voice: Er, Wei Hsien? Leg cramp.
~ Most of the participants went back and slept till the next morning.
~ Most of us looked like we were having chicken pox, courtesy of the mosquitoes.

And that, is the end of Prefectorial Camp 2007. Thank you. :)

Camp~sys! Day 2

So, as for day 2 of the camp, I woke up around 5-ish. To my surprise, the participants were already awake! (I'm so proud!) Throughout my whole facilitating experience, never has there been a time when the participants woke themselves up. Of course, they were never allowed watches back then.

At about 7 in the morning, the participants had their exercise, warming up and stuff. Then, breakfast. Today's was a dull packet of fried noodles. The milo was good, though.

Then, back to the Aulia Hall for a plenary session: Q & A. Things were a bit bumpy, but other than that, it was ok.

10 o'clock marked the start of the next plenary session: Presidential Debate 2007/08. This was done to find out the most suitable candidates for the Prefect Board of 07/08.

Surprise! I was emcee for the day. I never had any experience emcee'ing before. :-/ You saw nothing.

Isaac and his speech.

Nickolai's turn.

After lunch, we had an event: Pirates of the Carribean. It was basically like station to station, but when you lost in a war, you had to surrender all your money to the opposing team. Of course, what is an event without a few glitches? Hehe. No pictures for this event as I was manning the LEGO buildup part of the game.

After that, back to the Aulia room for a bit, did a bit of group work (Design your own newspaper). Then, we all had to prepare for the big event: the formal dinner. Well, actually it was the participants who had to prepare, we just monitored them.

Photos of the participants preparing for the dinner:

Then, around 8 o'clock, the dinner began. Mark my word, the participants did a great job setting up Bitara Hall. The place looked like a 5-star restaurant. There was even a modified sketch of 'Cinderella'.

Our Headmistress, Pn. Maizan.

The cast of 'Cinderella'. Wait, they're all guys! @.@

Form 5 fasci's after the dinner.

Then, the dinner adjourned around 9. Then we had the group sketches. I was too sleepy to take any photos then. After the group sketches, they changed into their sports attire to have another midnight activity. This time, we blindfolded the participants except for their group leaders. The group leaders had to guide them across a distance whilst the blindfolded participants had to balance five eggs on tables. Naturally, a lot of eggs were broken.

We ended up sleeping at the basketball court after completing the task. Then, we all moved back to the dataran, where the participants were briefed on the next task: 'Kunang-Kunang Kunil'. It was some sort of treasure hunt in the darkness, non of the teams managed to solve it. They went to bed around 5 in the morning.

Regretfully for me, fatigue took over me and I somehow ended up sleeping in the dataran, in full view of the participants. =.=' Ah well, facilitators do make mistakes sometimes, don't they? Sorry, Kunil.

And thus ends day 2 if the camp.

Camp~sys! Day 1

As promised, here it is.

The participants arrived in a sweltering afternoon on Friday the 13th. They all went up to the Aulia Hall to register, then we had our first event - Ice Breaking Session. Here, the participants were supposed to tell a story using only movement, no sound. =)

Here's Wei Hsien's impression of: 'I dunno'

By the time that was done, I think we had dinner. Urgh, can't remember much. This is what lack of sleep does to ya ;)

Never thought I could get a sunset like this in school.

Next, we had all the talks regarding the role of prefects, their attitudes, and so on. By the time we had finished all the talks (There was one by Kunil, Bryan, Jo Ann, Diyana, and Jian Wei), it was about midnight. We sent the participants to sleep, bringing out a few of them to talk to them. Erm, forget i said that. =P

Jian Wei's speech.

Well, for us fascilitators, we didn't really sleep. So, feeling bored, I took more pictures. XD

The school at night.

Eventually, I went to bed, at around 3 a.m. I had a restless sleep as there were a lot of mosquitoes. In total, I have around 150 mosquito bites on my limbs right now.

Time for dinner. I'll post Day 2 and Day 3 later.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Prefectorial Camp 2007 ~ The Final Camp

Why do I say it's the final camp? Well, it's typically the last one that I'm going to be fascilitating for the rest of form 5.

Details later. Too worn out. All i can say is this: Formal rocked! Good job guys! :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Net Ball RIMUP. Tekno Kid Plays?

First we were like whoaaaa! Then we were like Whooa. Then we were like, wow. Yesterday was a new experience for me, playing netball. Not really my cup of tea, but what the heck.

We started, we were pumped, thinking we could win. We shoulda thought twice. Us against the 5 Cyber's: Cyberlink steamrolled us. There wasn't a second when they weren't trying to score. Those mega-tall freaks. XD

Sad to say, we didn't qualify as we lost 2 games and drew the others. At lease we tried our best. I ended up wandering about aimlessly (I could only go back at 5) until i saw the girl's futsal team. Sonia's volley was the best! Too bad there weren't any pictures. Our girl's team fared better: They went into the finals. Hopefully they'll get a trophy for us. Good luck girls! :)

Irrelavant: Whoo! My dad got a new plasma TV! Can't wait to try it out! XD

Here are some random pics:


Life is pain.

Smelly? Nah.



They're getting ancient.


Here's the plasma TV I was talkin 'bout


The brand? Pioneer. :p