Saturday, March 28, 2009

Egg.. err, Earth Hour

Earth Hour 2009. Either you're in, or you're out to annihilate the world as we know it. It just takes one finger, and a flick of the switches to turn off all unnecessary appliances. So what are you waiting for? Turn off your lights today, at 8.30pm. You may be just one person, but you can make a difference. Remember, it's Mother Earth we're talking about.


In other news, I promised to tell you about our results for the Formula-R. Well, it was okay, t=though we could have done better. Most of the teams there had the same design actually, and we were one of the stereotypes too. Surprising, no?

In the end, the one with the most unique launching system managed to travel the furthest, a whopping 14.5 m. They had an overhead catapult system which launched the egg vehicle off the ground, giving it some air time. So that's their secret!

Our team managed to go about less than half of their distance, a mere 6.9m maximum. Nevertheless, I'm still satisfied as we had only managed up to 5 m in our test runs. There was also a tendency for the egg to flip over, as seen in the previous post.

Our egg vehicle and the hot glue gun we used to glue the marbles, below the vehicle.

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