Saturday, March 21, 2009

Of Eggs and Cars

What a day! I woke up early in the morning, got dressed, had some breakfast. Then I went to Monash to test out our "Formula-R" egg vehicle. It's a physics project actually, where you would have to use one, and only one rubber band, to power the egg vehicle and make it travel the furthest distance. No rotating parts (which means no wheels), no lubricants (oil, powder, water, ice, etc.) and the egg must not break during it's travel. Sounds like a lot of work! Well I've got news for you readers: it is! Well, at least the planning was. =P

No, I'm not going to tell you how my project fared, at least not until race day, which would be on Thursday. Wait till then! ;)

In the afternoon, I had my 3rd driving lesson. Driving on the road this time, and well, let's just say I suck at roundabouts and traffic lights. D: I should be lucky the Kancil I was in didn't turn out to be like this:

PS: Google Kancil and you'll come across this very interesting picture. For you, Initial D fans!

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